Gulshirin Mamedova aus Turkmenistan ist als Freiwillige im Waldorfkindergarten Villach von Februar 2021 bis November 2021 tätig.

I am a participant in a project in the frame of the European Solidarity Corps as a volunteer in the Waldorf Kindergarten in Villach, Austria. 

At this kindergarten, education’s objective is to nurture capable individuals, who create meaning for their lives, and who become free thinking and acting individuals. And you’ll see children who delight in being allowed to live in the moment, who are free to explore nature and to go where their wide-eyed sense of wonder and imagination takes them. In our frenetic world, where pushing children to “hurry up or fall behind” has become the norm, Waldorf Education takes the point of view that childhood is something to be savoured. 

The task is mainly to support kids that includes circle time (songs, games, and stories), garden time (e.g helping them get dressed), and practical tasks (e.g. cleaning, making some snacks for kids ).

I’m glad to be part of this project. This is a great opportunity for me to learn more about Waldorf education, improve my German.